Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Teaching Compassion...

I got reminded today how important it is to teach your children compassion. The kids and I were coming home from a birthday party today and saw a homeless man with a sign that said "Just Plain Hungry". Once the kids read the sign, they immediately said "can we get that man some food?". My heart was warmed! We went to Taco Bell and get him a meal and soda. We drove back around the corner and gave the food to this man. As soon as he saw me with a bag of food, he stood up and mustered the most grateful smile and said "Oh my gosh, thank you so much!". I told him that God loved him and I gave him an invite card to come to our church. Remember that what you teach your children today will live with them forever and they will teach their kids the same and so on and so forth. Remind you kids today how important compassion is.

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